sound museum 1

“Where are the museums for disappearing sounds?” R. Murray Schafer (1977) forgotten, lost, and disappearing sounds. sounds of transformation. Since Murray wrote this in The Tuning of the World technology has developed enough to make collecting, sharing and interacting with sounds easy.  Germaine Liu, Phillipe Melanson, Joseph Shabason and I (thanks to the amazing VanessaContinue reading “sound museum 1”

sound, listening and interaction

I, along with my friend Anais, went to visit Murray and Eleanor last week.  We had a relaxed afternoon which included a bit of group sound improvisations.  Murray would usually begin by repeating a rhythm, or word from the conversation and we would join in, sometimes a duo or trio and sometimes all four ofContinue reading “sound, listening and interaction”

Schafer, sound education in Rio de Janeiro

Thanks to the generous invitation of Adriana Rodrigues (an unbelievable force for anti-colonial music education in Brasil, Latin America and beyond) I just finished a week with a group of teachers in Brasil at the Conservatorio Brasileiro de Musica.  I was very lucky to have another great Brasilian music educator, Marisa Fonterrada, join me forContinue reading “Schafer, sound education in Rio de Janeiro”

Lima, Peru July/August 2018

Workshops at FLADEM 2018 LIMA.  Along with my good friends Matias Recharte and Neil Dallhoff I got to teach, walk around Miraflores and Barranco, record some waves, and interview two giants in music education:  Violeta Hemsy de Gainza (Argentina) and Marisa Trench de Oliveira Fonterrada (Brazil).

focussed listening

Listen. Reflect, breathe, journal, discuss, record What is the furthest sound you can hear? What sounds are close by? What is the quietest sound you can hear? Which sounds are noisy?  Which are “musical”? What is your favourite sound?  Which location sounds best?  Share it with others. Is there form in what you are hearing?Continue reading “focussed listening”

interactive soundwalk

On November 5th I’ll be leading an interactive soundwalk in Niagara Falls, Ontario.  It is a workshop within the Ontario Music Educators’ Association conference. A few weeks ago I led a two day workshop in Guadalajara and last January I taught for a week in Rio De Janeiro.  Both of these opportunities have come myContinue reading “interactive soundwalk”