– I believe that music education has perpetuated systemic racism by ignoring, excluding and devaluing any music practices, and practicing bodies, that are not Western European.
– I want to disrupt this…to break the circuit…but I also know that my work, being a white middle class cis male, may indeed continue to perpetuate dominance and inequities
– I am trying to have all the music I play and post for my classes be from non-white european males. I still, in the moments of teaching, often on-the-spot think of white male examples to facilitate learning but I talk openly to my class about this…what I consider to be a shortfall.
– I continue to remind myself not to centre western classical art music practices, notation, and techniques….but I also need to stop justifying the inclusion of musical practices outside of this dominant tradition (as if I’m still needing to convince my no longer present profs and teachers). 
– I am trying to teach both my band and guitar courses through concepts rather than by western technique and notation.  We started with grooves/beats and riffs and how they go together, will continue through basslines, harmony, form, and production.  I need to continue to remind myself that it is more than okay if we do not talk about western classical composers at all. 
– I believe that the racist gatekeeping of audition processes of faculties of music needs to end…I want to be a part of helping change this!!!  Many secondary students in Toronto have very little chance of becoming music teachers because of this.
– I am trying to remember that teaching and teaching music are indeed political and perpetuate both systemic and personal bias’
– I am trying to remember that it is easier for me, a white male with many privileges, to be subversive of norms than it is for many other folks. 
– I want to help illuminate and celebrate the validity and need for music education practices outside the dominant western european ensembles (esme has been trying and will continue to)
– I want to include, with their permission, the daily listening, sound, and music making practices of my students..not as a small part of the course…as the centre of the course!
– I continue to remind myself that students, perhaps particularly those marginalized, must have a choice whether to participate (stand up for anthem, perform in front of class, talk/share about their lives)

These are not solutions and are not fixed.  I am learning, listening, and stumbling.

Published by soundmarker

music educator

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